It's that time of the year. The time when you need to find the perfect gift for your loved ones. You go through different kind of internet shops to find something ideal. Something personal. But it's not that simple. Happy Wifey is here to help you. Or maybe just inspire you to make something on your own? Anyways. Here are some suggestions:
The Happy Jar
If you want to give something special to someone special, jar is the perfect gift. You can write down all the reasons why you love them, why they are special to you or why they should smile. This person can open the jar whenever she/he is feeling low or every day for a month (it all depence on the rules you make).
Gym membership
Have you ever heard someone saying "from the next year I´m going to start exercising"? Yes, me too. But that´s never happened. That is why gym membership is a perfect motivation to start doing that. This person has no other choice than to start exercising.

Movie Theater Tickets
It´s a simple and pleasant gift for everyone. If someone is not that into cinemas, you can buy tickets to museum or ballet. It´s a gift you´re sure going to be used.
Online courses
If you know someone who likes to invest in him/herself, online courses would be the prefect gift. The person may not be familiar with or know all of the obstacles that he/she may face during their online journey. Courses would help to improve skills that will help them in the future.
Sweater with a meaning
If you know someone who loves to get clothes for Christmas, but you want to buy something with a meaning, there are a lot of sweaters with "qoutes" out there. Here are some examples: